And what a lazy week it's been. I decided to have foot surgery last Friday and I've been literally sitting on the couch ever since. Well, it's not like I woke up on Friday morning and said to myself, "what am I going to do today...hmmm, I think I'll have my foot operated on", it definitely something that has been planned for months. I had a bunion and a couple other little issues going on with my foot so I had them all taken care of all at once. I'm so thankful I only had these things on one foot and I'll never have to do this surgery again!
So, now I have this HUGE padded wrap/ace bandage type thing that keeps my foot all compressed and "under wraps" until the 8th when I get a walking cast. I was experiencing some odd pain in my heel, that I dubbed "fire heel". It literally felt like I was putting my heel in a fire pit. After it kept me up most the night on Thursday I decided to call the surgeon's office and have them re-wrap it. Because of this, I was able to see my new foot for the first time. I was not prepared for this. Josh, of course, thought it was so cool (and even took pictures) but I still think it looks narsty! Lots of swelling, staples, and dried blood. Maybe I'll post a pic.
As you can imagine, I'm not able to walk and I've been instructed to keep my foot elevated (read: above my heart) every minute of the day, unless I'm going to the bathroom or showering (that's a whole other ball game). I made due with crutches for the first few days, which was interesting mastering while high on Percocet, but I really think crutches are overrated! Thankfully, Josh brought me home a scooter...yes, a scooter! It rocks. I can cruise all over the house it that thing. I put my knee (of the bum foot) on this little pad and push the scooter with my good foot. Now I only use the crutches for special chasing Murphy down the block when she takes off and doesn't listen. I can only imagine what the neighbors think!